
The "kombee" is an small, streamlined arduino device that fits in the xbee footprint. *Not all xbee pins are supported. Only Serial RX and TX are connected.



"kombee" was created to help users  simplify their show installations when using Renard boards with xbee headers.

The kombee has a different footprint from the xbee, it is slightly longer to accomidate the ATMega processor


The kombee needs a 3.3v supply from the xbee socket.  It has a serial header for easy programming.  * Note,  you need to disconnect the nRF24L01 transceiver when using the serial programmer at 5v.  3.3v programmers will work just fine with the radio connected.





Eagle Files:


Assembly Instructions:

Building a "kombee" board


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

kombee PCB + BOM + nRF24L01+(optional)
Combo Package deal for the kombee Included 1 kombee PCB 1 kombee BOM Kit 1 nRF24L01+ Transceiver (Optional) New revised PCB For 2014 R1.3 is an all through hole board. No surface mount components are used. A jumper has been added to allow you to disable the auto reset for more flexibility when using the kombee in an xbee explorer board as a transmitter,
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Picture of kombee_SMD PCB + BOM + nRF24L01
kombee_SMD PCB + BOM + nRF24L01
This board is a mostly SMD version of the bigger kombee. It features a nRF24L01+ header and a ICSP 6 pin header. You can program your code onto this device either using your AVR programmer OR by bootloading and programming using an XbeeExplorer board. The kombee smd board will only work as a receiver device due to the auto reset feature. More information is available in the wiki. Combo Package deal for the kombee SMD Board Included 1 kombee SMD PCB surface mount pre-soldered 1 kombee BOM Kit 1 nRF24L01+ Transceiver
Availability: Out of stock

Dont want to fuss with Soldering Surface mount parts?  We'll handle that for you.  Your boards will come with the SMD parts pre-soldered.  Note: Pre-Solder will add additional processing time. 

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Kombee PCB Only
This is the Kombee PCB Limited quantity available in PCB only. Both SMD and Through Hole versions available.
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